The Narcissos requires Gnome Level 3 (max). This placement is to enable the Broken Doll (Junkyard) Land’s Gnome levels to spawn Fernando the Narcissos as a pet. Rachel will give you the Jade Egg Artifact. If he leaves the pub, you can go out into Domina’s map, where after a short dialogue, he will join you no matter what you say. You can choose to stick up for Rachel, or side with Elazul so that he joins you as a partner. To obtain the Jade Egg Artifact, you will need to follow Elazul into Domina’s pub.

Visuals for the map added for easier reference from this Legend of Mana Artifact Placement Guide.
Legend of mana remake full#
Full Mana Levels for Orchard for fastest produce growing speed.All levels of mineral and highest level possible weapon shop at time of placement.This set up is considered to be the most flexible, set up to be as easy as possible with access to: Follow the game proper, you’re allowed to pick a starting spot as long as the square isn’t greyed out, but this is considered the most optimal: only two water spots, fitting the one mandatory requirement: via LOM.info EASIEST SET UP